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Our Services

Planning & Investment Management

Financing retirement has become increasingly complex and can cause unnecessary anxiety. An array of investment options, combined with fluctuating interest, inflation rates and other variables, make it difficult to determine how much you will need, where you should invest, and to whom to turn for assistance. To guide you through the complexity of retirement planning, our team is dedicated to help you:

  • Develop customized investment strategies based on your financial needs and comfort level for risk.
  • Work to help you preserve and grow your net worth through investment vehicles tailored to your specific situation.

Life insurance

Life insurance has characteristics that may make it an appropriate solution for a variety of challenges, beyond those that arise at the death of the insured(s). Life insurance can offer:

  • Death benefit protection.
  • Tax-advantaged access to policy cash values to help fund your financial goals.
  • Help pay for Long Term Care expenses.

Wealth Preservation Partners, LLC, is a member firm of M. Financial Group. The collective buying power of M Financial allows Member Firms to utilize more favorable pricing experience than off-the-shelf products and to garner specialized service considerations. Please go to www.mfin.com/DisclosureStatement for further details regarding this relationship.

Estate Planning
& Wealth Transfer

Proper planning allows you to transfer your wealth according to your wishes, and can help reduce unnecessary taxes and expenses.

We will help you structure your estate assets to minimize tax liabilities and maximize value to future generations. Our team will work with any additional advisors such as an attorney or accountant, to develop and implement a plan of action.

Charitable Planning

At a time when social responsibility has taken on increasing importance, charitable planning offers a strategic way for you to connect to causes that you and your family feel passionate about. Whether your aim is to develop a philanthropic legacy for your family, or simply to support your community, tax-favored strategies are an integral part of planning. We offer creative solutions aimed to help you achieve your personal or familial philanthropic goals without interrupting your family’s long-term financial possibilities.


An important component to any estate plan is gifting, which allows you to reduce the size of your taxable estate by strategically transferring the wealth you have worked so hard to create for your family members.

Gifting can help you maximize the substantial tax advantages available through the use of lifetime gifts. Thoughtful use of these gifts through the use of planning vehicles such as trusts and life insurance can help maximize the value created for your heirs, and we will work closely with your tax or legal advisors with both your charitable planning and gifting strategies.